The project i have choosen is not really a is a menifest. That was a reason why i choose it- it was a bit different than the whole rest. The "school of waisting time" is created by two students from the university in Italy which are studying urban design. Angela Osorio and Chiara Basile established the webside on which are trying to develop their idea. They wanted to find out some resolution for ommiting a mistakes in urban design and make a new rule of designing architecture in general. The main idea is to loose time- in a bit different meaning. They are speaking about living in a kind of world which makes us to be always on the run and product as much as we can. They are showing the paradokces of current relationships-people in a companies are starting to smoke ciggarets just to have an additional brake and also sometimes it is the only chance to meet some other people, not to be closed all the time in an office boxes. They want people to stop.
They proposed some risky rule to start work with to make the common
places in the city much better. They want people to create architecture
in a city more than the architect. They created a webside on which
everyone of us can sign into and meet with the rest of people. When you
want to stop in a whole rush in life to get rest you can text with other
people and meet with them in a place you choose. Thanks to this
research is gonna be created a map of the best places in the city. And
it's going to be good- because it will be made by citizans.
The only thing i must admit i don't like in this work is the fact that it is made in my point of view in a bit poor way. The idea of showing the project by the webside is really good but on the other hand the manifest could be shown in a better graphic way. And the last thing i find disappointing is the fact they they left this project just as an idea-they didn't really develop it at all. I would like to see some examples of the actions which are made in this way- to start with the research and then to create some new architecture.
One of my favourite contest i'm browsing many times is the eVolo contest. In the year 2013 one of the winners Ting Xu and Yiming Chen proposed a skycraper to create more common spaces in a city. To o out to the quite place with nature in a Bejing city which is known for living in a rush. It not really follow the idea of the "chicken-egg" but is also based on creating the social life better.
There are many project which tries to find a solucion for a better social living in a crowded city. But some of them works better than the rest.
As also this one made by Ewa Odyjas, Agnieszka Morga, Konrad Basan and Jakub Pudo from Poland, who in similar way try to put more nature in a city as a solution for a social place which helps to create a better relotions.
There are also some crazy solutions- just to have fun. As this project of Shokhan Mataibekov from Kazachstan which makes a ski slope in a middle of Kazachstan city
And the last example from Poland-my familiar city. A project made by Roman Rutkowski in a middle town. He redesigned a main square to make there festivals, concerts and other social meetings-to put more life in there.
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