"people should be given the chance to make their neighbourhood work for them"
That project propose the change of the urban spaces trought the collaboration of real people that is not agree with the real conditions of their own neighbourhood. To do that they propose the creation of a phone app in order that people can upload their projects, and the most succesfull projects will be choosen and built.
After that, and watching the critical point of view of the project, I was also interested in Santiago Cirugeda and his collective architecture. He works for real people with real problems always searching for alegal solutions.
Example of alegal architecture by Santiago Cirugeda
I was also rearching for collective actions like Acción Ciudadana or the Ted " video Architecture for the peopleby people- by Alastair Parvin " here you can see his web and his project http://www.wikihouse.cc/commons/
All these are projects are working for people and their real needs allowing also the people to work in a different way more collaborative, as the same that they are using the technologies to do it.
In that moment I realised that i wanted to work for the real needs of the people, here is where A-legal appears. To focus in a real problem with a real collective, also thinking in our critical vision of the situation as students I thought in all the problems that student of architecture have, and their actual needs.
To make a project where I know the real needs of the people the first that I want to do is to ask the people what they want to change. Im developing a phone APP and all the social network to spread the project and also to ear what the people want and these friday at the Politecnical IV building something will happend. Instead of draw an action what I've done is all the steps to make people start the REAL CHANGE.
That project will be also collaborative so each person who wants to join the project can do it. Actually there are 2 gyus who want to collaborate on the project.
These is the Beta version of the APP
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