viernes, 1 de abril de 2016

Paper models_ Mobile structures

Structure1: Tensile spiral
Paper arches holt by fixed supports on both ends to the platform and by the tensions of the ropes that connect them all and make the single elements work as a whole.

Project use:
Concept structure: build a whole by a single elements.
The library weight can produce the needed tension for the ropes or wires.

Structure 2: Diaphragm
Extensile structure where geometry allows movement. It needs a force to be moved.
The model changes in three directions entailing a height variation.

Changeable shapes.
Possible uses: ceiling facade modulation.

Structure 3: Spring into Action
Structure working under compression that allows controlled deformation under tensile forces.

Shape: Corridor formation but it is needed to enlarge the central hole in order to take profit of the inner space.
Concept: structure turns into a mechanism for library.

Structure 4: Ron Resch pattern
Extensible structure in one direction in the 2D plane, where geometry allows movements. It needs a force to be moved.

Changeable shapes. Facade modulation that allows voids creation depending on the needs of the users.

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