After playing the game, and the teachers corrections we re-discovered that the best way of working is what we called: TRANSFORMATION.
It mean that each one start thinking in something and the others are capable of transforming it as they want without any limits. Then the decision of the best solutions are in the hand of all the members making a round table.
We want to remember that our idea was to make an exhibition pavilion, flexible and adaptable for the different four careers that study at the school. So we organized the work in different steps:
References - Sketches & Transformation - Model.
We found lots of interesting references but we have selected the ones that we have think that are the ones that inspired more.
The Big Horn, Mezzo Atelier.
This reference was awesome because at the end we are designing spaces where the students can expose and we thought that breaking the cube was something original and incredible, as a school of design needs.
COS, Snarkitecture.
COS is nice because generates an space that produces different sensation in the people that are not used to spaces that are out of the limits.
Nanyang technological university, CPG Corporation.
We want to create a green cover that can be capable of recieve the biggest part of the sun, inclined for a good evacuation of water.
Pop-Up Pavilion, KRS Architects.
PLaying with elements that does not break totally the space between interior at exterior.
Sketches & Transformation
After that point, we started sketching and transforming between us the different ideas for the pavilion. We collect here the more relevant ones.
Once this step done we started to model the different spaces, exterior and interior ones, for understanding better, and also it had changes.
Once this step done we started to model the different spaces, exterior and interior ones, for understanding better, and also it had changes.
This was the first idea, that was going to be transformed by the different designs. We wanted to generate a lineal exposition with two plants, for not covering Santiago's building. It has a corbel by two reasons, first of all for let the view get inside the element, and the other for let the space below free for entrance.
One of the ideas was to generate an space that breaks the box and let the space be less heavy, and also can take advantage of the sunlight generating an interesting space.
Another space is a kind of catwalk for models, but this time it will be flexible in the way that not just the fashion students. It also have a big window for the entrance of natural light. But what of the conlusions that we take is that the natural light need to have a system to be hide, in case that the students need.
The next step was start connecting the different spaces. And see the different entrances of the natural light.
In relation with the interior spaces we start generating an exterior shape, that is being defined by the interior spaces.
At the time, ore shape is more or less like that. It have the corbel with the flexible catwalk. The pavilion is closing at itself.
In that view we can see the cover, that has two parts. An inclined garden part that make a nice space inside and also let the view free for watching Santiago's building. The second part it is tought to be walkable.
We tried to put a ramp, but after breaking our heads, because of the space, Antonio Galiano suggested us to put an elevator. It is going to be outside the building for not breaking the interior space.
The next step for the 15th is to design the first plant of the building, that is more or less designed but we have to adapt it, and also design the strucure and other elements in the building.
Sign: Alberto Luis Bernabé Lacárcel
Ikbal Çiçek
Kevin Marco Pacheco
Virginia Quílez Bernabeu
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