martes, 17 de mayo de 2016

Anni, Bianca, Anna - Progress of the work

The time our model needs to dry we used for our Interior perspectives. With those we want to show the different possibilities how to use our Pavillon. Of course these are only a few examples we imagined.

1. Our concept from the beginning was, a place where you can relax and calm down: 

Here you can see a possible way to built a seat to relax on.

2. Exhibition Space: Because its a school of design, you need a room to present things, here an example:

3. Of course Students make a lot of Party: Especially when they have a submission to celebrate:

4.Group Work and Learning together (spend time together):
Of course you have team work projects at a school of design and exams to learn for.

4. Room of inspiration: To help the students of the ESD with their work you can perfectly use our pavillon for finding inspiration:

Furthermore to show better the dimensions of our pavillon example, we made a technical floor plan and another plan of the area.

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