0. General information
The building is placed in Madrid and it is proposed as an extension to Santiago Cirugeda’s new building of
the School of Design.
After analyzing, the proposal was to put more emphasis on the secondary entry that will allow a better connec- tion with the garden, as well as with the new extension, developing a passway which will generate an easier passage that will have more functions.
It is presented as two floors building that attending to the requirements and lack of the users of the existing school will harbour two main programs: ground floor as catwalk-exhibition space and upper part as library.
1. Structural memory
It can be said that the whole project, from the concept to its final design, emerges from structural requirements.
1.1 Concept
The project comes from the affirmation of the human body as structural element and human structures as systems subdued to active forces. Different compositions are studied and its translation into metallic structures following the principles of the human structures as active, changeable forces according to the needs of the human conditions.
Therefore, the translation into the physical project is conformed as a game of weights, where the variation in certain spots causes an effect and a transformation in a different part of the structure.
The load of the books first understood as a problem is turn into a factor to raise the interest of the project. The object is to create a passage of mobile structures. The route is divided into several stages, each of it contains a structure that repeats the process of the movement, creating different views of the passway.
>Portal frame: Original position of the basic structure.
>Exhibition structure: Auxiliary spaces annexed to the main passing space that can be used as spaces for exhibition.
>Front row structure: Position that allows seating leaving a free space in the center of the corridor to allow people’s flow in catwalks occasions.
>Open slice: Structural position that allows the opening of the inner space to the outside.
1.2 Structural analysis
The structural analysis of the project is carried out in order to get to know the conditions that subject the struc- ture. According to the special requirements of the structure one of the main aims of the project is to validate this structural model as buildable.
The procedure followed for the analysis starts as a trial and error study of the different situations that will take part in the building and their effect on the structure. With this and according to the deformation diagrams, the position of the different elements are set to guarantee the changes in the structure.
1.2.1 Lower part
It is possible to lock and unlock the articulations and transform the lower structure by means of the variation of the library use. The system is based on a node system controlled by the weight that is laying on the bookcase of the upper floor so that the heavier the upper load is, the fixer the nodes of the structure will keep.
One of the main determining factors for the profile election is this inner mechanism, base of the project, as it needs to be conducted through the inside of the whole pilar to have effect on every node. Following this crite- ria the first option considered is the UPN profile.
After analyzing, the proposal was to put more emphasis on the secondary entry that will allow a better connec- tion with the garden, as well as with the new extension, developing a passway which will generate an easier passage that will have more functions.
It is presented as two floors building that attending to the requirements and lack of the users of the existing school will harbour two main programs: ground floor as catwalk-exhibition space and upper part as library.
1. Structural memory
It can be said that the whole project, from the concept to its final design, emerges from structural requirements.
1.1 Concept
The project comes from the affirmation of the human body as structural element and human structures as systems subdued to active forces. Different compositions are studied and its translation into metallic structures following the principles of the human structures as active, changeable forces according to the needs of the human conditions.
Therefore, the translation into the physical project is conformed as a game of weights, where the variation in certain spots causes an effect and a transformation in a different part of the structure.
The load of the books first understood as a problem is turn into a factor to raise the interest of the project. The object is to create a passage of mobile structures. The route is divided into several stages, each of it contains a structure that repeats the process of the movement, creating different views of the passway.
>Portal frame: Original position of the basic structure.
>Exhibition structure: Auxiliary spaces annexed to the main passing space that can be used as spaces for exhibition.
>Front row structure: Position that allows seating leaving a free space in the center of the corridor to allow people’s flow in catwalks occasions.
>Open slice: Structural position that allows the opening of the inner space to the outside.
1.2 Structural analysis
The structural analysis of the project is carried out in order to get to know the conditions that subject the struc- ture. According to the special requirements of the structure one of the main aims of the project is to validate this structural model as buildable.
The procedure followed for the analysis starts as a trial and error study of the different situations that will take part in the building and their effect on the structure. With this and according to the deformation diagrams, the position of the different elements are set to guarantee the changes in the structure.
1.2.1 Lower part
It is possible to lock and unlock the articulations and transform the lower structure by means of the variation of the library use. The system is based on a node system controlled by the weight that is laying on the bookcase of the upper floor so that the heavier the upper load is, the fixer the nodes of the structure will keep.
One of the main determining factors for the profile election is this inner mechanism, base of the project, as it needs to be conducted through the inside of the whole pilar to have effect on every node. Following this crite- ria the first option considered is the UPN profile.
After the study of the structural behaviour of the UPN by means of the CYPE software the dimensions needed to accomplish all the requirements are at least UPN300 for the pilars. Taking into account the distance
between portal frames (2 meters as average) this dimension will make the structure look too heavy.
In order to get a lighter perception of the structure new profiles are studied. Two L profiles connected by a me- tal plate with a constant distance between them guarantee that the inner view of the structure will correspond to the right measure enough to allow the proper work of the mechanism.
Furthermore this profile presents a better behaviour to the requirements of the structure.
1.2.2 Upper structure
The upper structure consist mainly on an light curved arch laying on two tubular profiles as pillars. The curved arch is built up using the same profile as the lower structure and it is interrupted in its middle part by a ring.
Once the profile is proved to work properly for the structure, responding both to structural and aesthetic requi- rements , the complete structure is subdued to structural analysis.
As CYPE’s requirements may be probably too strict for this project, taking the most adverse conditions that subdued the structure, the profiles are submitted to tension analysis by choosing an average dimension of profile. and checking it response to tensions.
Generally speaking, with the structural and the tension analysis it may be said that the structure works pro- perly in all the positions. However it should be revise the position 1-3 as the reaction values do not correspond to the type of node used and the deformation values may be not admissible.
1.3 Node and mechanisms system
Going backwards to the previously mentioned mechanism , the first proposal carried out consisted on:
>1. The bookshelf lays on board that is connected with a spring system. The difference of height will make the spindles twist down and the rotation around the vertical axes is transforming into a perpendicular
direction will cause by means of the central spring a change into tension of the main wire.
>2. The tension of the wire defines the freedom of the articulation. The system consists on pre-stres- sed metal plate attached in the middle point to the main wire so that when tension increases it is expanding, blocking the rotation of the articulation.
>3-4. The block system of the articulation works the same as the previous one. This articulation adds a spring system that depending on the angle runs by the bars, tenses a second wire hat will free a compressed string or hydraulic system in the fourth node.
This string will have energy enough to incite a linear displacement of the articulation to the centre of the corridor.
According to the different profiles used, different kinds of nodes had been considered along the project development. The final nodes work by geometry, limiting the movements by its shape, with physical limits.
1.4 Conclusions
Structurally speaking the feelings of the project are quite satisfactory as, except from the position previously mentioned, all the positions of the structure work properly and against all odds, can be easily translated into a static structural model. However, it may be considered that this is only an approximate study and many parts should be improved.
In order to get a lighter perception of the structure new profiles are studied. Two L profiles connected by a me- tal plate with a constant distance between them guarantee that the inner view of the structure will correspond to the right measure enough to allow the proper work of the mechanism.
Furthermore this profile presents a better behaviour to the requirements of the structure.
1.2.2 Upper structure
The upper structure consist mainly on an light curved arch laying on two tubular profiles as pillars. The curved arch is built up using the same profile as the lower structure and it is interrupted in its middle part by a ring.
Once the profile is proved to work properly for the structure, responding both to structural and aesthetic requi- rements , the complete structure is subdued to structural analysis.
As CYPE’s requirements may be probably too strict for this project, taking the most adverse conditions that subdued the structure, the profiles are submitted to tension analysis by choosing an average dimension of profile. and checking it response to tensions.
Generally speaking, with the structural and the tension analysis it may be said that the structure works pro- perly in all the positions. However it should be revise the position 1-3 as the reaction values do not correspond to the type of node used and the deformation values may be not admissible.
1.3 Node and mechanisms system
Going backwards to the previously mentioned mechanism , the first proposal carried out consisted on:
>1. The bookshelf lays on board that is connected with a spring system. The difference of height will make the spindles twist down and the rotation around the vertical axes is transforming into a perpendicular
direction will cause by means of the central spring a change into tension of the main wire.
>2. The tension of the wire defines the freedom of the articulation. The system consists on pre-stres- sed metal plate attached in the middle point to the main wire so that when tension increases it is expanding, blocking the rotation of the articulation.
>3-4. The block system of the articulation works the same as the previous one. This articulation adds a spring system that depending on the angle runs by the bars, tenses a second wire hat will free a compressed string or hydraulic system in the fourth node.
This string will have energy enough to incite a linear displacement of the articulation to the centre of the corridor.
According to the different profiles used, different kinds of nodes had been considered along the project development. The final nodes work by geometry, limiting the movements by its shape, with physical limits.
1.4 Conclusions
Structurally speaking the feelings of the project are quite satisfactory as, except from the position previously mentioned, all the positions of the structure work properly and against all odds, can be easily translated into a static structural model. However, it may be considered that this is only an approximate study and many parts should be improved.
In view of its complexity, as dealing with a structure that also acts as a mechanism, the use of the building may be limited. In this sense it has never been considered as a current library, subdued to furniture changes and
different load hypothesis along the years. The project should be understood more than a building as a kind of
sculpture where every element has its right place for the proper work of the structure. Despite the rigidity of
the approach it may be highlight the flexibility and the freedom that the project offers to the user: when technic
meets magic to offer an interactive space experience.
As part of the subject Structures II a geotechnical study of the ground and the most suitable foundation has
been carried out.
2. Constructive memory
From the constructive point of view the main aim is to achieve a development of the project that will not only give response to the structural changes but will as well accomplish with the comfort requirements of the user.
2.1 Constructive development
2.1.1 Facades
>First approach. As a first proposal it was considered to develop the project enclosure with plastic
material such as translucent Polycarbonate, solving the changes requirements by means of modulation. Unfortunately it was found as nearly impossible to solve the facade enclosure with this kind geometry without disregarding thermal comfort in the interior.
>Final decisions. In order to simplify the enclosure system and solve it in a continuous way in order to control thermal bridges, it is finally decided to build it up using flexible plastic and fabric materials suitable for constructive field; mainly ETFE and white canvas translucent batyline Sk300. Lower level enclosure
It is enclosed at the lower level by an elastic and translucent membrane. This consist in ETFE. We choose this material because of all the advantages it takes. First of all, it has to be elastic because of the movement of the legs of the structure. It also protects the inside for rain and other weather conditions.
It is fixed using a flexible rail between all the legs and the beams. Upper level enclosure
The library enclosure is solved by means of a double skin of white canvas translucent batyline Sk300 covering the span between two portal frames.
The system works by means of rails, half supported by the structural arch and half free till the fixation to the slab that allows the flexible arch that the canvas’ rails form to change curvature according to the requirements of the this slice of the building.
The outer rails guarantees waterproof joints between canvas pieces as well as conforming a sewage canal to direct water down the enclosure.
The double skins turns up as a requirement of the material used to guarantee a suitable inner comfort in the library according to light, temperature, humidity...
2.1.2 Flooring
In order to solve the upper floor, which has to be movable and extensible due to the movement of the struc- ture, we used a telescopic solution. This consist in two metal bars, one in the other and finished with a me- thacrylate square tube. Under this tubes we can find the thermal and acoustic isolation, which is placed on a rubber layer that connect two beams of the metallic structure allowing the movement.
2. Constructive memory
From the constructive point of view the main aim is to achieve a development of the project that will not only give response to the structural changes but will as well accomplish with the comfort requirements of the user.
2.1 Constructive development
2.1.1 Facades
>First approach. As a first proposal it was considered to develop the project enclosure with plastic
material such as translucent Polycarbonate, solving the changes requirements by means of modulation. Unfortunately it was found as nearly impossible to solve the facade enclosure with this kind geometry without disregarding thermal comfort in the interior.
>Final decisions. In order to simplify the enclosure system and solve it in a continuous way in order to control thermal bridges, it is finally decided to build it up using flexible plastic and fabric materials suitable for constructive field; mainly ETFE and white canvas translucent batyline Sk300. Lower level enclosure
It is enclosed at the lower level by an elastic and translucent membrane. This consist in ETFE. We choose this material because of all the advantages it takes. First of all, it has to be elastic because of the movement of the legs of the structure. It also protects the inside for rain and other weather conditions.
It is fixed using a flexible rail between all the legs and the beams. Upper level enclosure
The library enclosure is solved by means of a double skin of white canvas translucent batyline Sk300 covering the span between two portal frames.
The system works by means of rails, half supported by the structural arch and half free till the fixation to the slab that allows the flexible arch that the canvas’ rails form to change curvature according to the requirements of the this slice of the building.
The outer rails guarantees waterproof joints between canvas pieces as well as conforming a sewage canal to direct water down the enclosure.
The double skins turns up as a requirement of the material used to guarantee a suitable inner comfort in the library according to light, temperature, humidity...
2.1.2 Flooring
In order to solve the upper floor, which has to be movable and extensible due to the movement of the struc- ture, we used a telescopic solution. This consist in two metal bars, one in the other and finished with a me- thacrylate square tube. Under this tubes we can find the thermal and acoustic isolation, which is placed on a rubber layer that connect two beams of the metallic structure allowing the movement.
2.1.3 Old building connection
TullyLib meets the existing building in a part conformed by curtain wall. This part has on the ground floor an adjoining protrusion of steel joinery system. This last part will be used as a support for the auxiliary platform that will connect both TullyLib,the new extension of the building and the main building. Therefore the platform may be understood as a preliminary space to both buildings, as a meeting point and waiting space.
The platform level reaches the height decided on the extension project for the new bridge and the stop of the lift. The height is reached by means of scaffolding structural system. At the suitable height it is carried out a development similar to light cover Deck type but covered with a similar system as the inner flooring in order to keep and aesthetic homogeneous sensation.
It could also be study to open the curtain wall into the existing building, conforming a new entrance at the level of the stairs landing releasing the lift from an important part of the transient flows task. In this case two stairs will be needed to save the level difference.
Appart from the auxiliary platform the three first portal frames of TulyLib will be designed as fixed for different reasons; as follows: existing space is limited, it is not possible to control a weight difference and make this three slices change with sense according to it, and the most important one, in order to make the distance between the movable part and the platform big enough to guarantee movements absorption.
2.1.4 Security elements
The fence of both the platform and the bridge to the interior of the library is designed as punctual elements that simplify the level differences in the movable floor parts while guaranteeing a continuity of the security elements. This elements are the same for both the fixed and the movable parts of the cover.
2.1.5 Entrances
The main entrance in the building, as well as the secondary one that provides a connection with the garden, are solved with doors that opens like a blind.
The material used for this system is a steel protection and a wooden frame to hold everything together. Both sides of the door are solved with the same white canvas as the whole facade.
2.2 Acoustic study and calculations
According to the comfort requirements, it has specially been considered the acoustic aspect of the building as part of the Advance Constructive Systems subject.
After that we calculated the acoustic isolation of the upper part of our project taking into account the white canvas absorption, the facade accomplish with the regulations.
To finish we worked out the reverberation time in three situations: one with all the tables down, one with half of the tables down and the half up and a third one where all the tables were up. In all the cases, the reverberation time fulfill the technical code requirements.
The impermeability has also been studied . The building must accomplish with the conditions given in table 2.7 of the technical building code HS, due to a impermeability degree of 2, this conditions are: R1 + C1.
3. Tully Lib. Beyond technique
The project must not only be understood along its physical dimension but it is essential to be aware of the important load that entails inside the field of the interactive and behavioural architecture.
As a reference to Santiago’s project “La escuela crece” that grows by receiving volunteers and makes you realize how you can create and change things, our hidden purpose of this project was to generate altruistic behavior between the students and also an active involvement into the changes that the project provides, promoting responsibility, not only personal and to others.
TullyLib meets the existing building in a part conformed by curtain wall. This part has on the ground floor an adjoining protrusion of steel joinery system. This last part will be used as a support for the auxiliary platform that will connect both TullyLib,the new extension of the building and the main building. Therefore the platform may be understood as a preliminary space to both buildings, as a meeting point and waiting space.
The platform level reaches the height decided on the extension project for the new bridge and the stop of the lift. The height is reached by means of scaffolding structural system. At the suitable height it is carried out a development similar to light cover Deck type but covered with a similar system as the inner flooring in order to keep and aesthetic homogeneous sensation.
It could also be study to open the curtain wall into the existing building, conforming a new entrance at the level of the stairs landing releasing the lift from an important part of the transient flows task. In this case two stairs will be needed to save the level difference.
Appart from the auxiliary platform the three first portal frames of TulyLib will be designed as fixed for different reasons; as follows: existing space is limited, it is not possible to control a weight difference and make this three slices change with sense according to it, and the most important one, in order to make the distance between the movable part and the platform big enough to guarantee movements absorption.
2.1.4 Security elements
The fence of both the platform and the bridge to the interior of the library is designed as punctual elements that simplify the level differences in the movable floor parts while guaranteeing a continuity of the security elements. This elements are the same for both the fixed and the movable parts of the cover.
2.1.5 Entrances
The main entrance in the building, as well as the secondary one that provides a connection with the garden, are solved with doors that opens like a blind.
The material used for this system is a steel protection and a wooden frame to hold everything together. Both sides of the door are solved with the same white canvas as the whole facade.
2.2 Acoustic study and calculations
According to the comfort requirements, it has specially been considered the acoustic aspect of the building as part of the Advance Constructive Systems subject.
After that we calculated the acoustic isolation of the upper part of our project taking into account the white canvas absorption, the facade accomplish with the regulations.
To finish we worked out the reverberation time in three situations: one with all the tables down, one with half of the tables down and the half up and a third one where all the tables were up. In all the cases, the reverberation time fulfill the technical code requirements.
The impermeability has also been studied . The building must accomplish with the conditions given in table 2.7 of the technical building code HS, due to a impermeability degree of 2, this conditions are: R1 + C1.
3. Tully Lib. Beyond technique
The project must not only be understood along its physical dimension but it is essential to be aware of the important load that entails inside the field of the interactive and behavioural architecture.
As a reference to Santiago’s project “La escuela crece” that grows by receiving volunteers and makes you realize how you can create and change things, our hidden purpose of this project was to generate altruistic behavior between the students and also an active involvement into the changes that the project provides, promoting responsibility, not only personal and to others.
TullyLib is conformed, in a silent but intentional way, as a social gadget that promotes commitment, empathy, cooperation and good manners to the users, making it essential to be aware not only of the own interests but
also of the other students’ needs in order to achieve the best spatial possibilities of the building.
3.1 Interactive mechanism
As well as the structural mechanism previously explained one of the main interactive gadgets that raise inte- rest to the project is the system conformed by the tables and the windows of the upper floor.
This system consist on retractable tables connected by means of a piece of canvas and wires to the window through the outside. When the table is taken down to be used the canvas tension make the window open diagonally.
With this the use of the tables entails two light contribution: one punctual light to the table and a diffuse light entrance through the windows.
The changes caused by this interactive gadgets can be easily perceived from the outside of the building. It could be said that somehow the building is asleep and gets awake by means of the use, it starts stretching out, contracting, it goes up and down and even opens to the exterior.
The user gives life to the building and the building modifies the user behaviour in a essential reciprocal rela- tionship that underpins the project.
As well as the structural mechanism previously explained one of the main interactive gadgets that raise inte- rest to the project is the system conformed by the tables and the windows of the upper floor.
This system consist on retractable tables connected by means of a piece of canvas and wires to the window through the outside. When the table is taken down to be used the canvas tension make the window open diagonally.
With this the use of the tables entails two light contribution: one punctual light to the table and a diffuse light entrance through the windows.
The changes caused by this interactive gadgets can be easily perceived from the outside of the building. It could be said that somehow the building is asleep and gets awake by means of the use, it starts stretching out, contracting, it goes up and down and even opens to the exterior.
The user gives life to the building and the building modifies the user behaviour in a essential reciprocal rela- tionship that underpins the project.
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